Here's How to Contribute a Guest Post to the Trust Signals Blog

Image of Scott Baradell
Scott Baradell
Published: Nov 5, 2020
Last Updated: Dec 5, 2021

Trust Signals welcomes guest posts because they allow us to provide a diverse range of topics and expert insights for our readers on the topic of trust in PR and marketing.

This site aims to be an authoritative, friendly resource for examining the signals that influence how brands can better establish trust with buyers. Our audience includes:

  • Businesses of all sizes seeking to attract more website visitors and make more sales online. We explore more than 70 trust signals that can be implemented -- immediately in many cases -- to achieve these goals by building trust with customers and other audiences.
  • PR practitioners and marketers seeking to understand why public relations as practiced today is too narrowly defined and ultimately not sustainable as a profession, and how the future of PR lies in utilizing a more comprehensive strategy based on implementing trust signals to “secure trust at scale.” 

The Trust Signals blog is open to pitches on a wide range of trust-related topics, including:

  • First-person accounts of trust-centered marketing strategies;

  • How-to guides for trust-centered marketing techniques;

  • Overviews of technologies and tools that help businesses build market trust;

  • Industry-specific advice for creating and maintaining market trust; and

  • Exclusive excerpts from newly released marketing books.

Specs for guest blog submissions include:

  • Article length: 1,250-2,500 words
  • Article format: Please submit your article as a Google Doc. Do not include photos or graphics with your submission unless specifically requested to do so.
  • Links to Trust Signals articles: We ask you to link to at least two relevant posts on our blog in your article;
  • A short bio and headshot: Provide your photo and add one to two sentences about who you are, what you do, and/or what you're passionate about. Include links to your business website, LinkedIn profile, or social media handles. We generally do not accept submissions from authors without a verifiable LinkedIn profile.

Once you've emailed your pitch, response time will vary depending on the current content calendar, but we do our best to respond within three business days. If you haven’t received a response after a week, please feel free to follow up with us.

If your pitch is accepted, we'll work with you to schedule a tentative publication date. We'll build in time to edit and add art to your post before publishing.  When your post goes live, we'll publish it on our social channels and otherwise try to attract as many eyeballs as possible to your work.

To avoid conflicts of interest, our contributors may not mention any tool, product, or service they are affiliated with. If you currently work for, represent, or are otherwise incentivized for mentioning a product, tool, or service, you may not include it in your article. Your article may include a single link back to content on your site, with the understanding that the link must be relevant to the subject at hand, and does not point to your main URL, a product landing page, or to content behind a lead generator.

Ready to pitch? Just email Scott at and include the words "Guest Post Pitch" in your subject line. Thanks!

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